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Choice of The Hive

The Gothic Tale of a Kwama Heretic

Numerous insects of all shapes and sizes are a common sight among the stars according to science fiction but they can just as easily be found in the enchanted forests of fantasy. Examples of insectile creatures in fantasy are plentiful and each and every one of them offers something new to dissect and appreciate, however in this analysis I would like to focus on 3 examples from games that I'm sure are beloved and cherished by many. Gothic art by Tom Thiel. Source Creating a hive based swarming species in science fiction is fairly straightforward and since there are many examples of such organisms on our planet they can appear as familiar or as alien as you wish them to be. However the same cannot be said for the fantasy genre where there are fewer restrictions on the biology and behaviour of the organism. Still to me that provides a greater motivation to experiment and generally go wild with whatever creature you're making. Insectile monsters are quite common in almost every fa

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